Problems With a Product Launch

December 3, 2024
November 9, 2022

Launching a new product can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor, and this blog post looks into the common problems creators often encounter. From engaging the audience effectively to writing compelling marketing messages under tight deadlines, the pressure can be overwhelming and lead to suboptimal outcomes. We'll explore how Deadline Funnel can help you address these challenges with a unique solution.

Bonus vs. Business

Launches are a bonus

Launches are a bonus… they’re not a business! The big problem with a product launch and a business based on product launches is that you never break free.

The quote above comes from a 49-page report written by a brilliant marketer named Rich Schefren.

Just in case you're not familiar with Rich, one of the things that he is known for is his expertise at launches.

This isn’t a business model… it’s a trap. Personally, I’d use another word to describe it: compromise. Every launch requires a huge investment of time, energy, and cash for returns that are not guaranteed. - James Schramko in Work Less, Make More

There’s a lot of hype around product launches, but they aren’t the best way to consistently grow your business.

Are launches inherently bad? Absolutely not. They can be a great added bonus to your marketing and growth. But making product launches the core of your business is not sustainable.

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Revenue Roller Coaster

The problem isn't whether launches work or not...

The problem isn’t whether launches work or not (they do).

The problem is the big drop in sales after your live launch promotion ends.

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In the beginning that’s not a big deal - maybe you don’t have a team, and you don’t have payroll.

When sales rush in during your launch it’s proof that you’ve connected with an audience.

You’re on a high of excitement and possibility – as you should be.

But in the weeks and months after the launch you realize you have to answer this question: "What next?"

You make the obvious decision: you repeat what worked.

Which means you do another launch. And then another. And another.

Vanity Metrics

Look behind the curtain at real launch numbers

The jaw-dropping 7 figure "pay days" are what's known as a vanity metric... a number that doesn't matter (much).

Here's a more realistic look at the math behind those 7 figure launches:

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These numbers were compiled with assistance from:

Medium size launches can be very profitable.

But as you aim for bigger and bigger launches at a certain point you give up profits and you can easily lose money.

Gabriel Ryan

Gabriel Ryan specializes in leveraging software to boost conversions and drive sales through authentic evergreen marketing. Gabriel is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs to scale their monthly recurring revenue sustainably.

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