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Deadline Funnel + Chatfuel

How to use Deadline Funnel and Chatfuel together.

Integrations / Chatfuel

Deadline Funnel can help boost your sales for your marketing campaigns in Chatfuel! 😎

Each subscriber in your sequence will be automatically assigned their own custom deadline – whether you’re doing a webinar… an email sequence… an automated launch… or really ANY type of campaign.

If you’re not using a deadline you’re leaving money on the table!

Here’s a quick guide on how to get started with Deadline Funnel + Chatfuel, so you can build your evergreen funnel.

1. Create Your Deadline Funnel campaign

First things first – you will need to create a campaign in Deadline Funnel before you can set up the integration with Chatfuel.

When creating your campaign, we recommend selecting the blueprints option and then choose the “Email Sequence + Special Offer” blueprint:

Then you’ll set the deadline length and add your first funnel step(s). Don’t worry too much about those two items – you can come back later and change those at any time.

Once you’ve created your Deadline Funnel campaign, you will be taken to the Quick Start Guide, where you can verify that the correct trigger has been selected.

Now you can follow the steps below to integrate with Chatfuel.

2. Triggering a Deadline

Add a Dynamic action to your Chatfuel sequence

Paste in the Deadline Funnel webhook to start the deadline for each subscriber at that point in the sequence

3. Using Deadline Funnel Links in your Messages

Copy the Deadline Funnel link into Chatfuel

Update the end of the link with the Chatfuel email placeholder